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Custom Design Hoodies: Helping Fashion Brands to Adapt to Changing Landscape

· Hoodie Design

Ever since humans decided to wear clothes, they have developed an innate desire to express themselves and individuality. And the fashion industry is one of the world's biggest industries, contributing to around 2 per cent of the global GDP; people expect the sector to evolve with time. By this evolution, brands and retailers are always better positioned to provide an immersive and inclusive shopping experience. Similarly, our custom-made hoodies offer customization solutions to apparel companies and help them meet all their customers' demands. The tool enables your buyers to select, design, preview, and place the final order using 3d technology and a user-friendly interface.

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In the past two years, much of the brick-and-mortar traditional retail has moved to the online marketplace. The craze among buyers for online shopping rose to a level when Amazon, too, jumped to the bandwagon for the fashion sector and acquired shoe retailer Zappos for $1 Billion. Many other major retailers, such as Walmart, Target, and others, have themselves entered into the fashion retail business through their own brands and brand partnerships. Despite the digital space receiving some resistance from giants in the clothing sector, the latest technologies, including AI, have fundamentally transformed the domain from the way it used to function. The recent innovations have successfully revamped the age-old method of manufacturing, marketing, selling, distributing, and other prospects. AI technologies are transforming the fashion industry in every element of its value chains, such as designing, manufacturing, logistics, marketing, and sales. In the current blog, we shall look at each factor in detail to understand how AI is changing the landscape for the clothing segment.

Here are determinants driving the use of innovative solutions in the fashion industry:

1. Promotes and Sells Products Rather Seamlessly

The fashion sector is known for creating demands and brand awareness as it manufactures fashion products. Clothing brands and retailers are constantly looking for new ways to get their goods in front of audiences and create awareness in the market. Therefore, they are in great need of using AI and machine learning to maximize users' shopping experience, improve the efficiency of sales systems through intelligent automation, and enhance the sales processes using predictive analytics and guided sales processes. Many fashion companies are leveraging conversational assistants through chatbots and voice assistant devices, including Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Cortana, and many other products.

The conversational interfaces enable fashion brands to gather data by asking questions to customers, understanding their desired trends, diving deeper into their purchasing patterns, and suggesting related and add-on items. For instance, when a customer wants a new pair of shoes or jeans, they can directly raise their concerns using chatbots; rather than waiting for connecting with employees or store managers. Interacting with a website or mobile app and facilitating back-and-forth dialogue, the customer can find the optimal fashion product or accessory item. This interaction provides greater satisfaction for the customer and much more valuable information for the fashion brand.

Likewise, the customized hoodies online offer a customization solution for apparel brands and retailers to let their customers design their hoodies seamlessly. The custom-made tool empowers fashion houses to allow their customers to collaborate with brands in real-time and take any suggestion, advice, or help directly. The direct, honest, and transparent relationship established with customers boost market expansion for companies.