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Advantages of integrating product design software with eStore

The rate at which the internet and eCommerce industry is rising, we did not even realize how this all happened. But undoubtedly, numerous businesses are enabling end users to customize the products to enhance their conversion rate. In this digital driven age of customization, the customer looks to desire in their products by own. As per the marketing researches, customers who are enabled with customization options likely to buy that product. Customization is likely to be parts of everything no matter those are personal products like mugs, pens, clothes, etc., or home furnishings.

Alluring that web customization is a factor one may not be known to you, but you would have taken the advantage from. It might be possible that choices, habits, preferences are being tracked. The brand uses these data for offering better customization and personalization services. When a customer looks towards offer, they are more likely to get attract and mostly buy that product.

This can be achieved with the help product customization. This is the reason why it has become a great weapon for various brands now. Statistics says the story that ends user likely to share more information if they found themselves getting benefitted. Moreover, it also says that more than 50% of the buyers love to shop with that website who is offering customization as an option.

Merits of the customized products:-

The merits of customization can better understand when one can see the customized Nutella jars or mugs sought after.

So, let’s discuss what impact product customization is creating because of its merits:-

  • As per 55% of the online shoppers, customization is valuable.
  • Websites offering customization gets like by 45% of the buyers.
  • Customization ads are 10times brings more conversion than regular ads.
  • 74% of buyers feel frustrated when they see irrelevant content. 
  1. High price: Statistics also stats that almost 25% of shoppers tend to shell out 30% more money to buy customized products. This is the larger benefit that business will reap by earning higher revenues.
  2. Loyal customer: Customer repeats the order by self when they see that they get customization benefit from the brands. By availing customization website can attract and engage customers as they feel more valued and connected. They will last long with you and can refer your site to their loved ones and colleagues. Orally it still has high influence in making the sales better.
  3. Smooth marketing: It is significant that firms have to invest in a marketing strategy to promote customization. It unchains a lot of money which can otherwise be used for marketing the products. Every customized products and end-users who are ultimately purchasing the products would endorse it if the customer liked it. It is bit easier approach to know the customer and their needs. This is a smart, comfortable and most efficient technique of marketing.
  4. Better online presence: Developing an online presence and getting higher ranking in searches is a better way to ensure business. Customization initiates in enhancing the footfalls. When you are sure about what they want, where they want when they want it can be better through your online presence with the help of better SEO rankings. Customization also serves various direct and indirect advantages based on lowering overhead costs, in the long run, initiating new avenues and pipeline for sales, lower consumer complaints, and highly satisfied customers.

Developing a customized product with the help product design software:-

It is significantly important to offer personalized products to enhance the conversion rate as per above facts and inputs. So, the next part is to check out how to move ahead with it. There is where product customization software comes in the scenario. This software avails product customization services for personalized products and print on demand like shirts, suit, and other apparels so on. Moreover, it can also customize the products like bags, shoes, posters, etc.

The essential aspect of opting the software for availing online services is easy to integrate with current website platform. This is where our product stands tall when it comes to easy to use the feature. It is an individual system that gets integrated into your current cart without a burdensome existing database. The system is smooth with PHP based website and can communicate live website with the help of API and bridge extensions.

As it supports every website based on any platform, our product configurator is also listed as Magento product designer and WooCommerce product designer tool.


Other specific features:-

  • High-end flexibility and customization options.
  • It has a high end and latest features that you must check out making it a unique and valuable product to invest.
  • The software is developed in such a way that it supports the Omni channel model.
  • Print output in the form of PDF, PNG, and SVG.
  • Backend access.
  • Automatic system and warning updates.
  • Manual pricing structure through the advanced price calculation method.
  • Unlimited resource management.
  • Easy integration with any online CMS or website platform. 

Summing Up:

For ensuring sales growth and enhance the traffic of new aged customer it is essential to offer a personalized product with the help of online product configurator by offering it on your eStore. It is one of the best software when it comes to staying competitive in this technologically driven era. This high-end feature-rich software gives apparel manufacturer a competitive edge for integrating the software and offer customization to visitors and remains competitive in the crowd. iDesigniBuy offers high-end powerful and latest features. We will assist you in every query and aspects to check which kind of software is essential to integrate with your ecommerce store as per need and requirement. For more details drop us an email at for demo and quote.
